Bollywood star Salman Khan was on Thursday sentenced to five years in prison after Dabangg actor was convicted of killing two blackbucks in Rajasthan. Khan has been asked to pay a fine of Rs 10,000 in the 19-year-old case. However, Khan's co-stars Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam who were also accused have been acquitted.
In 1998, while filming for Sooraj Barjatya's Hum Saath Saath Hain, Salman Khan along with his co-actors Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam were charged with poaching blackbucks near Kankani village in Jodhpur. Blackbucks or the Indian antelope is a kind of endangered species that's protected under the Wildlife Protection Act.
According to reports, Salman Khan and his co-stars went for an alleged hunting session during the shooting of the film and killed two blackbucks. The Bishnoi community, angered by this occurrence filed a complaint against the stars. Khan was also charged for keeping an arm under an expired arms licence but was later acquitted by a trial court.
Khan was also accused of allegedly killing two chinkaras or Indian gazelle in Bhawad and another in Mathania, both in Rajasthan, He was later acquitted by the Rajasthan High Court in 2016 for the poaching of chinkaras.
Last week, final arguments from both the parties were presented. Here are the LIVE updates of the verdict.
7:07pm: The actor has also been assigned inmate number 106 at the Jodhpur Central Jail.
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